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Rep. Foxx To Have GOP Primary Challenger in 2016 - FINALLY!


Posted 7:26 pm, 07/18/2015

Barking if you didn't bark so much no one would know you were working under cover lol


Posted 7:18 pm, 07/18/2015

Please find where I've ever posted anything supporting Obama


Posted 6:48 pm, 07/18/2015

lol A fork is better than what you got after you were slipped the obamy pill ? Oh I forgot you took it willing ! lol


Posted 6:37 pm, 07/18/2015

Enus, there's a fork in your ***. You're done


Posted 5:18 pm, 07/18/2015

Good grief......you sound like Bench


Posted 4:30 pm, 07/18/2015

If barking and bluehill could get together they could be a barking blue heeler , he he he Wait I did not mean to speak negative about a blue heeler they are wonderful intelligent animals !


Posted 4:26 pm, 07/18/2015

Come on and grow some balls and tell us what you think "pro America" means.


Posted 4:24 pm, 07/18/2015

bo-hoo heel doesn't know either it must be taking the "pill" too lol.


Posted 4:23 pm, 07/18/2015

You've proved my point. All you have is buzzwords.


Posted 4:20 pm, 07/18/2015

Wong. You didn't answer the questions. Quit deflecting by thinking you're cute with the name calling.


Posted 4:19 pm, 07/18/2015

Poor little barking doesn't know what pro America means lol, Its been slipped an obamy pill .So sad. Wait maybe you could ask Obama's wife ? WAIT JUST REMEMBERED she has never been proud of America, Just a thought is that why America has been given the obamy pill for six years ????


Posted 4:08 pm, 07/18/2015

Come on stupid, what does "pro America" mean? Proof me wrong on thinking you are a moron?

Tom L.

Posted 3:15 pm, 07/18/2015

Hillary 2016!!


Posted 2:52 pm, 07/18/2015

I can't answer what you are full of barking ! lol


Posted 2:49 pm, 07/18/2015

Barking ,let me give you some advise. Save your advise for the pill popping left wing liberals . Share with your buddies. lol


Posted 2:48 pm, 07/18/2015

So you can't answer crap. All you have is buzzwords that Rush told you to use. Try real hard to come up with an answer. What does pro America mean?


Posted 2:46 pm, 07/18/2015

Yep, just what I thought barking , you sound like a wishy washy ?????


Posted 2:43 pm, 07/18/2015

First, let me give you some advice. If you are going to try to get at someone by mutating their name, come up with something that makes sense and has an obvious insult. Don't just change letters.

Second, I am far from liberal. Ideology wise, I make Rand Paul look like Hillary. However, realistically, I understand that it takes compromise and moderation to make things work. Extreme left or extreme right has been proven to not work long term.

Now, I ask again, what does "pro America" mean? You still haven't answered that question.


Posted 2:34 pm, 07/18/2015

Liberals always try to add and put words in the mouths of anyone who does not support their Godless agenda. Hows that for being serious boheel ?


Posted 2:31 pm, 07/18/2015

I'm more serious than your calculated liberal left-wing posts.

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