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Rep. Foxx To Have GOP Primary Challenger in 2016 - FINALLY!


Posted 9:59 pm, 07/08/2015

ow does she get elected? Even I agree with you, she needs to go.


Posted 6:52 pm, 07/08/2015

She was at the opening of our Farmer's Market.


Posted 6:47 pm, 07/08/2015

Yeah, get that ole person out of there. Ole people don't know nothing......is that what you are trying to say?


Posted 3:19 pm, 07/03/2015

Thank you Jesus! It's way past time for that old biddy to retire

george h w b

Posted 9:34 am, 06/24/2015

hipower (view profile)

Posted 5:09 pm, 06/10/2015

As a proud unaffiliated/independent I look forward to voting in the GOP primary JUST SO I CAN VOTE FOR foxx's OPPONENT. If by some tragedy she wins the primary, I will look forward to voting for WHOMEVER SHE FACES IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION.
She is bad for America and bad for NC.

I will also join you hipower. Also, sure hopes someone runs against the azzwipe Burr also.


Posted 9:29 am, 06/24/2015

Yes, I do agree with you in many ways. Thank you for your well thought answer, and I apologize for my snarky response earlier. It seems I was leaning toward a political chip on my shoulder.


Posted 12:32 am, 06/24/2015

The robbing of Social Security fund started under LBJ. It has continued through every administration since. So it's not a R or D, it's both. It was LBJ who first transferred funds in the Social Security Fund to the General Fund, and everyone after him has followed his example. There is no way to regain the lost compounded interest.

Could Social Security be saved, possibly. But you would need to reorganize when people start collecting. Basically if you went with the original premise and used birth year life expectancy and added 3 years to it for someone to collect Social Security you probably could save the program. After all you really where never meant to collect it, you were suppose to die before you got old enough, but they've never adjusted the age to properly reflect our increased life spans.

The ACA (Obamacare) is a step towards fixing Medicare. The idea all along in the government was to eventually dump medicaid, medicare and veteran health care programs into the ACA exchanges. They realize if they'd told you that to begin with they'd never get it passed, but that's why medicare funding was shifted to pay for the ACA. Assuming it stands look for this to happen in the next five to ten years.


Posted 2:51 pm, 06/22/2015

Who robbed Social Security? Yes, Sheldon, that was sarcasm and you know exactly what and who I am speaking of. Do a little more figuring on that whole wars thing, too. It's really not a Democrat vs. Republican issue, it's just math. Wars have and will continue to send countries into the financial toilet, all fueled by poor policy.


Posted 12:07 am, 06/17/2015

War costs are not the primary driver of debt in the US budget, contrary to what the Democrats tell you. While the defense department could easily be cut to half of its current budget if we only would defend ourselves and stop policing the world, that wouldn't solve our long term insolvency.

The fact is the government starting with LBJ to present has robbed the social security fund to the point that its insolvent, as is medicare and they keep cutting it as well. Without reforms to entitlement programs they can't be maintained beyond about 10-15 more years. There simply is not enough room in the budget to pay the baby boomers their promised benefits because politicians of both parties have continually raided those funds.

To fix the US budget and to pay off the national debt you'd have to use a all of the above approach, you can't fix i without tackling pretty much every budget item. Their shutdown was about cutting the growth government by less than 2%. What's needed is real cuts, targeted cuts. Don't buy into the idea that you can tax the wealthy and keep all these programs, you could take every private asset in the United States today and you still could not pay out all the promised benefits to the baby boomers. Reform has to happen, either we wait til our economy collapses like it did in the 1870s or we try to fix it beforehand, sadly the politicians are going to wait for the collapse.

good old boy

Posted 4:23 pm, 06/15/2015

As long the ignorant voters of this district vote for a Republican because they are bigoted against gay people, you will have to put up with this New York woman.


Posted 7:32 am, 06/11/2015

If she votes against the TPP I will vote for her


Posted 7:06 am, 06/11/2015

hipower (view profile)
Posted 5:09 pm, 06/10/2015
As a proud unaffiliated/independent I look forward to voting in the GOP primary JUST SO I CAN VOTE FOR foxx's OPPONENT. If by some tragedy she wins the primary, I will look forward to voting for WHOMEVER SHE FACES IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION.

She is bad for America and bad for NC.

I would add she is just altogether BAD!


Posted 7:00 am, 06/11/2015

I just want somebody who can think for themselves

Feel Burger

Posted 5:12 pm, 06/10/2015

I just wish someone that could read would run.


Posted 5:09 pm, 06/10/2015

As a proud unaffiliated/independent I look forward to voting in the GOP primary JUST SO I CAN VOTE FOR foxx's OPPONENT. If by some tragedy she wins the primary, I will look forward to voting for WHOMEVER SHE FACES IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION.

She is bad for America and bad for NC.


Posted 11:42 am, 06/10/2015

nobody is going to beat her. waste of time and money


Posted 10:09 am, 06/10/2015

Pattie has big'uns I might have to vote repubican LOL don't tell anybody might ruin my reputation :)


Posted 10:06 am, 06/10/2015

jrscott, the only thing you don't mention in your analysis of the debt situation is the amount that war costs and how that's running up the national debt. War is expensive. Ten+ years of it is darn expensive, and will continue to be so.


Posted 9:17 am, 06/10/2015

You demonrats are just sore because Virginia napalms you every election...


Posted 8:13 am, 06/10/2015

By Centrist Republican you mean a Democrat Lite Republican, we have enough of them in Washington already one reason despite gross examples of violations of the Constitution Obama hasn't been impeached.

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