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Rep. Foxx To Have GOP Primary Challenger in 2016 - FINALLY!


Posted 6:01 am, 06/10/2015

She's just a younger version of ol Ginnie, same mindset, same political view. Isn't there a centrist Republican anywhere in the 5th District that will stand up for the citizens???


Posted 7:28 pm, 06/09/2015

I thought Elmore was going to try to challenge Mrs.Foxx.

good old boy

Posted 4:11 pm, 06/09/2015

What do you really expect when you elect a Foxx from New York? She could not give a crap about Alleghany County. Just remember these things at election time.


Posted 1:56 am, 04/12/2015

It used to be that unaffiliated couldn't vote in primaries. Their being able to pick a party on the day of the vote is a new relatively new thing.


Posted 1:25 am, 04/12/2015

Open forum, when's the last time a politician had those.

The GOP is trying to change the rules anyway so only GOP can vote in their primary. Of course if only the GOP can vote in their primary, I think they should have to pay for it not the taxpayers :). I'm registered as unaffiliated so if they change the rules I couldn't vote in it (however because I'm not part of either party I don't generally vote in the primaries :) ).

Wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 2:21 pm, 04/11/2015

Pattie Curran chose 5th District? where is she living?...another carpet bagger?....please she is saying the same thing we hear from other GOP members nothing new,,,,,but will look forward to read what Pattie has to say ... I do hope she has an open forum so voters can ask a question and we get a straight answer not a bunch of sound bites....


Posted 2:00 pm, 04/11/2015

The challenger does have some big'uns :) I can't vote in the repubican primary but maybe someone on here will vote for her in my place


Posted 3:31 pm, 04/10/2015

I don't know of a vote that Foxx has ever placed that I disagree with.

george h w b

Posted 8:58 am, 04/10/2015

What you get when dumb arses always vote a straight party ticket, whether it be for a Puppycat or a Dumbcrat.


Posted 8:20 am, 04/10/2015

Lawdy from what little I just read about Curran looks like she would be no better maybe even worst than Foxx if that is possible!


Posted 9:39 pm, 04/09/2015

Unfortunately, I know way too much about her political career.

Every day, she gets a delivery from the Republican party that tells her how to vote that day. She spends 5 minutes logging their vote for them, and then spends the rest of her day campaigning or whatever.

She's done little to nothing to help the district. The last bill she presented was for the Tea Pot Museum, which cost a ton of money but was never built. Where did that money go? We'll never know.

I don't care who the other candidate is, they can't possibly be worse!


Posted 12:56 am, 04/09/2015

Long time she had a challenger.

The 5th District is like most districts in the country, through gerrymandering it's made almost impossible for the other team to win (This is not unique to GOP districts). As such if you are tired of Foxx the time to vote would be the primary to replace her there.

She first took office in the US House in Jan 2005. The national debt at the start of that year was 7.379 trillion. At the end of 2014 the debt was 17.824 trillion (the first time since WWII that the nation's debt load has exceeded it's GDP). She has voted for every budget, every gimmick (like the TARP), and continuing resolution to come across her desk. So she's responsible for adding 14.45 trillion to the national debt to date.

She's pretty much a rubber stamp vote for Boehner, who has never lived in our state and never done business in it. So long as people like her are in office we'll never reduce deficits or pay off the debt until the dollar collapses sometime in the next 15-20 years because we can't afford what's been promised and no amount of taxation can reverse that at this point even if we taxed everyone 100% from this day forward. The cuts will come one way or another, politicians who deny that are lying to you. Most of them are hoping they'll be comfortably retired by the time the &$#% hits the fan, drawing a salary from you the taxpayer for the rest of their lives. So if you want change, given the way the district is drawn, you need to beat her in the primary.


Posted 9:07 pm, 04/08/2015

I checked out Miss PittyPatt......really a teabilly darling via faux, newsmax, daily caller. How would she have felt if her kids didn't have insurance and couldn't have gotten it due to their pre-existing conditions? How does she know why her costs have gone up?


Posted 8:23 pm, 04/08/2015

She should have been flushed years ago, but low information voters keep re-electing her :'(


Posted 8:10 pm, 04/08/2015

I'm no fan of Rep. Foxx but how the devil can you get any more crazy conservative than her. I thought Soucek was being groomed to take Virginia's place.


Posted 7:52 pm, 04/08/2015

Has she ever won her "home" county? I for one am glad to see some competition. Even if it is a TP. Last two cycles there were buttons and bumper stickers going around that read, "Anyone BUT Virginia Foxx".


Posted 5:44 pm, 04/08/2015

I say one thing about her, she got some big old Ta ta's.
Listen to her, she isn't any different than the rest. Only talking about what effects her family.
So long looser.

Wild Bill from up on the hill

Posted 5:32 pm, 04/08/2015

Yep, Red is dead, but Virginia is not, she just smells that way.


Posted 4:59 pm, 04/08/2015

General Franco is still dead too at last report.

Honky Tonk Hero

Posted 2:54 pm, 04/08/2015

Is Red still dead?

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