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Rep. Foxx To Have GOP Primary Challenger in 2016 - FINALLY!


Posted 2:27 pm, 07/18/2015

Seriously, give me more than rhetoric and slogans.


Posted 2:22 pm, 07/18/2015

Bohill must have got a cosby pill ?


Posted 2:20 pm, 07/18/2015

Seriously? Why do you say that? No one's taken away our right to practice our religion. If you're "pro-life" then I assume you want to teach kids about contraception and not just abstinence and want to make birth control readily available so there are fewer abortions. If you're pro-family then I guess you support the gay couple next door raising their kids. Pro gun......any one should be able to buy/own even if mentally ill and one's rights not to have to fear some ****ed fool or mentally ill person having a weapon don't matter. I assume you don't support the fervent deregulation of industries or do you?......legislation that has made our drugs safer, our air cleaner, our jobs safer, our food safer. Do you believe we should have safety nets like Social Security or Medicare (that we should take care of the least among us)? No I do not understand those who support a "far right" agenda.


Posted 2:10 pm, 07/18/2015

Yep barking has had its head under a rock lol


Posted 2:08 pm, 07/18/2015

Her opponent has big'uns. Reason enough to vote for her :)


Posted 2:07 pm, 07/18/2015

The United States is a nation based on immigration, founded by immigrants. So what does "Pro America" mean?


Posted 1:53 pm, 07/18/2015

You must have had your head under a rock for the last six years


Posted 1:50 pm, 07/18/2015

Who's life?, who's family?, who's religion? and I guess Jesus would have packed heat......oh and there's a black guy in the White House


Posted 1:28 pm, 07/18/2015

bluheel -Pro Life, Pro Family, Pro God, Pro Second amendment, Pro America the list goes on . Obama is against all these things !


Posted 1:07 pm, 07/18/2015

What attracts one to the tea party or today's Republican Party? Keep moving to the far right to what?


Posted 12:54 pm, 07/18/2015

I see no point in voting for someone claiming to be conservative when she does nothing


Posted 12:46 pm, 07/18/2015

I don't know much about Curran, she actually may be a good replacement for Foxx. I like the tea party ! guess I need to do my homework before election time. Not trying to belittle Foxx I just think we need to keep moving to the right every chance we get !


Posted 12:29 pm, 07/18/2015

What has she done?


Posted 12:07 pm, 07/18/2015

Foxx is doing and has done a wonderful job . That is the reason I support her.


Posted 11:29 am, 07/18/2015

Old Ginny is going to skunk you skunks again!


Posted 11:02 am, 07/18/2015

Norma Rae

Posted 9:01 am, 07/18/2015

I nominate Kevin Austin since he's doing such a great job as chairman of the county commissioners.


Posted 8:56 pm, 07/09/2015

One of her long winded lectures could have bored him to death


Posted 5:16 pm, 07/09/2015

I think you posted this in the wrong place. Did mrs fox shoot him?


Posted 2:27 pm, 07/09/2015

The shooting of Dallas Shatley, seems to be the over reacting of a rookie deputy!, it's clear that Mr. Shatley had his issues, but also clear that it could have been handled without killing the man.
Why I totally respect the dangers law enforcement officers face everyday , I believe that an ounce of good common sense, is worth 10 pounds of lead being injected into a drunk mans body, by a rookie deputy and his or her 9mm service handgun !!!!!!
Unless he was a direct threat to the deputies lives, it was a Barney Fife reaction, for lack of a better analogy. Unless the deputy was tied to the vehicle, then dragged, they just shot a man who was at most a DWI suspect.
Such a useless waste of a life, taking life from him and his loved ones, and his friends!!
Let's see if true justice is found, or if, like in many cases, is swept under the rug once again!!
John Q. Public, should make sure that it is not!!!!
It's up to us, the people of Ashe County, North Carolina;(

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