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Dewey Andrew Lane


Posted 7:04 pm, 11/10/2014

Well , Well Mr. Underdog 2 ,I knew you would have an option. You have an option about everything and a lot options about nothing at all.Well You must have an interesting life sitting at the court house with all the old people That's your monthly excitement and is that where you get all your FACTS. As all the other people in Yadkin County, or my mistake the world, are just stupid .Right ?What I was talking about was fact, Simply this lane man has to pay Mr. Reavis whether he is there or not .Now what person with half a brain would keep postponing the court date, Excluding you .or do you have a whole brain?? You say that I was just telling second and third handed stuff ,and that is isn't fact .Now what part isn't fact that lane is not the one postponing or that Tamra is trying to get out of what she said about her not remembering anything she said to the detectives ..Fact ,The last 4 postponements was Tamra, Not Lane, ,She sends a message to the DA that there is some reason she can't get there ,or she is out of town and can't get there due to a FAMILY problem. Fact ,If you can get on her new face book page she is traveling all around the place .Fact, Boob job.As you say Mr Underdog 2 ,I read some of your stuff and its so stupid.,Lane is now on trail for 2 or 3 counts by Tamra if they are even charges,,He made her keep the house spotless I do that and I am not charged by the DA. Have the meals on the table when he gets home from work , not a charge,,.,and last but not least 'Having Sex when ever he wanted it..I don't know this person to well just what I have read on here mostly from the smartest man in the world .I wonder are you 1 of those old men who go to Hardees and sit till court starts and then waddle up there .. Bet you are ..Well let me double check my spelling and make sure I didn't say any thing that wasn't true. Well I looked but this redneck could have missed a few words , but if I didn't oh what would you day to me .or is Nature 7 going to take this whole post off .Mr Underdog 2 what happened to Underdog 1? Well God Bless ,You need to really know your facts Mr Underdog ..ok well ok then


Posted 1:36 pm, 11/10/2014

You are only telling us second hand and third hand information not facts.


Posted 8:53 pm, 11/09/2014

hello if I won't get yelled at by the experts on this matter like underdog 2 and Nature 7 .I do have some a bit of information ,But as you have said before what does that have to do with Tamra.I do know that her husband is now her x. I do know shes been traveling around the country with a friend .I know it doesn't . I saw a picture of her while she was in Las Vegas ..And As I am sitting here typing to you guys who don't believe me She has has let me see how do I say it without you guys saying so what.,,Miss Thing has had a boob job . Yep And the pictures I saw she was ripped in a hotel ,motel what ever they call them, And I was told that she has missed the last 4 ,She claims this and that .And was told ,don't know if this can even happen that she wanted to drop the charges since she was under heavy medications when made those statement ,All that was really true was that he expected her to have the house clean and food fixed and have sex when he wanted it..So its hard to believe that Mr. Lane can be postponing all these dates when he pays Larry Revis all that money .Can say for true .but could be he is making charges against her .Now all the other stuff he did to all those other people ..hang the sucker .Please forgive me for any misspelled words because I know how that upsets a few of you .So good night, sleep tight ,may the Angels watch over you till mornings light


Posted 8:35 pm, 11/09/2014


Nature 7

Posted 11:27 am, 11/01/2014

I don't know if she showed for court or not. Lane has done the same thing, not shown for court, in another case. Anyway, it's 9 felonies against lane, and none on her.


Posted 10:40 am, 11/01/2014


Any supposed victim who files charges and will not show up for a court appearance over and over again at the taxpayers expense, not to mention keeping the accused and the public in suspense for close to a year is a trashy person who is abusing the court system.

The victim had to have known what type of person Andy was, but associated willingly with him for a considerable amount of time and may have aided and abetted him with some of his scams. Guilty by association and not an innocent.

What is the excuse for not showing up this time???

Is she so much better than Andy is the question or is she on or about his level?

Nature 7

Posted 11:23 pm, 10/31/2014

Advocate, Out of curiosity, why do you think the 'victim' is trash?
Underdog, He, lane, has to stay close to 'mama' so she can take care of him.


Posted 9:43 am, 10/31/2014


Did the piece of tr-a-sh who filed the charges not show up for court again? This is what happened for the previous attempts to settle the issue.

Two wrongs don't make a right, there is enough blame to go around and around at the expense of the taxpayers like us.

Tra-sh will associate with tra-sh period.


Posted 9:14 am, 10/31/2014

Hes too stupid to disappear. I'm betting the da has been offering deals and dumb dumb is too stupid to take one.


Posted 12:53 am, 10/31/2014

Another waste of tax payer money, having postponement after postponement.

Walks the Talk

Posted 3:03 am, 10/30/2014

Court date now is January 2015 Anyone know how many times can a trial be continued?


Posted 10:56 am, 09/16/2014

Yeah, just ask Darryl Hunt's wife!


Posted 1:18 am, 09/15/2014

"Sand brain". Good one, underdog. I could not help but to laugh.
So, seasidejohn, if a woman has a car, goes to work, and sleeps in same bed as her mate, then there is no way her mate would ever hurt her. Are you for real? And you were "told" things, which, apparently you believe.
Incredible. Your August 15 post didn't make much sense, either.


Posted 6:04 pm, 09/14/2014

Sand brain no one here is accusing your buddy of anything. The da and detectives are accusing him.


Posted 10:51 pm, 09/13/2014

it doesn't matter ,but how do u mam know he did all that ,You believe 1/2 of what Tammy saids and the other half you just laugh at .I am not saying he didn't do some of the things you people are accusing him of. But she had a car ,went to work every day and still laid in the same bed with him every night .Makes you wonder how much he really did to her .And why is she so upset when she drives past his house and see;s a women there with him ,[they were standing outside ]or that is what I was told .Seem's strange ,Don't you know

Nature 7

Posted 3:08 am, 09/12/2014

What does it matter to anyone where this woman goes?
The one you need to keep tabs on is the one who has 9 felonies against him.
How warped.


Posted 7:52 pm, 09/11/2014

Thank you for the update.


Posted 7:19 pm, 09/11/2014

well all in all, the same old same .Andy Andy .Well for some one who is making excuses about going to court because she is afraid or moving or any other excuse ,She is making a trip around the states .I know its none of my business but Shes been to Las Vegas and took a nascar trip around the track and then to,California, the Grand Canyon, Texas, .No sure where else she is going or has been ,But it seems that this scared little lady [lol] [TAMMY] Where her little sister has to protect her from all East Bend and Yadkin County .While I am sure her 2 BOYS are running around like monkeys on dope.Or we can drop monkeys. .Wonder how much money mommy gave them to be good boys ..Well as it stands its been almost 1 year since this thing that Andy did this bad thing to her ..lol Well gang thought I WOULD KEEP YOU UP on the new news ,I was totally shocked ...lol go ahead and put me in my place for spelling or its none of my business ,Don't Care hey she also took a friend ,,wonder if its male or female U do know she goes either way ...I know I was the other trust me I am not a male .


Posted 7:00 pm, 09/11/2014

wow whats up now

Nature 7

Posted 1:25 am, 08/24/2014

I've reviewed the thread, and did remove a few portions of posts for libel and/or personal attacks.

2. She is responsible for her own statements (which means that you have the right to consider a civil lawsuit against her for libel).

(via goyadkin exerts)

NORMA RAE, you may want to do some research on names and screen names to make real sure you have it correctly. Also, this thread is about Dewey Lane. Read the rules.

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