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Dewey Andrew Lane


Posted 1:40 pm, 06/27/2014

Court records on you husband and his family say different doll.


Posted 12:05 pm, 06/27/2014

We never go to court til this come about lol. I love my life. And mommotwo. What happened to trying to help? Looks to me like your only trying to fit in. You dont know anything either. Karma is a ***** that's what she is.


Posted 11:35 am, 06/27/2014

No class you worry about your woman and the dog will take care of the rest with no problem. You know the dogs tool gets a little sore every now and again and you have to give it a little rest. Here is where I rest.


Posted 10:38 am, 06/27/2014

If one actually believed in karma, the one could say that one example of karma would be the trouble that this gentleman is in due to the fact that he has scammed the people in the area. I personally don't believe in karma. I do believe that many times you reap what you sow....sooner or later.


Posted 10:19 am, 06/27/2014

Look, walks the talk back running that hole, start asking for facts and she will disappear again. She doesnt like the whole "facts" part being brought up. So u say he wasnt raping her while she was gone, so when did he rape her... all in one night several times or over a period of time bc then why did she stay after the first time. Plus, you already admitted, that it wasnt thede crimes you wanted him to go to jail for, it was for scams. Remember... I said that you were sick in the head. Walks, please you dont walk the talk, so shut up and get off. The only thing you do is sit and judge and gossip. I can imagine that life must be lonely since you couldnt get a man, or probably even a dog to love you, but dont hate on a man bc his family loves and supports him. Dog, go drink another one and get a life, if you had all those women like you say you do, you wouldnt have time for this site. You cant even pay a woman to be with you, can you? April, these are low life people, they have no clue what theyre talking about. Just let karma deal with them.


Posted 10:09 am, 06/27/2014

You dont get out much do you aprl?. You like living from court case and costs to another. There is another world out there that doesn't consist of criminal records being the dinner conversation.


Posted 9:25 am, 06/27/2014

No denying it here proud of who I am.


Posted 8:04 am, 06/27/2014

I would change my name.


Posted 7:48 am, 06/27/2014

" Wish you people had a family like mine you would be the same way. Ipity you ."

Why would you wish that on anyone? If I had a family like yours, I would stay off here and not let anyone know who I was.


Posted 7:10 am, 06/27/2014

And talk?? 99% of you have said some of the most god awful things about my dad and wouldn't know him if you seen him. So yea. Judge all you want my family and my husbands family, I'll always stand by. Bloods thicker then water and I'm proud of that. Wish you people had a family like mine you would be the same way. Ipity you .


Posted 6:48 am, 06/27/2014

I'll never give up doggie. And my husbands family? Really? I wish I could b a Saint like all of you but I said b4 I'm not fake. Walks stfu already you know what I'm talking about and I'm sure im the only one that says trailer yea by far. Talk to Dianne? **** nah

Note from GoYadkin: a portion of this post was removed for personal attacks.

And she only called the cops on me every week. Cops would laugh at her haha. She's stupid.

Walks the Talk

Posted 12:12 am, 06/27/2014

andy lane ripped friends of mine off. And a lot of other people which are listed on here somewhere. There is a judgment. That's not "money hungry". That is an older citizen that got taken for a lot of money. Judge agreed after seeing the pictures and hearing the story. To try and turn that around to making the victim sound bad is just asinine. Done deal. Court over. I bet you that the "tough" april has never even spoken or approached the victim(s).
A trailer is something you haul with, as tobacco or mower.
A mobile home is something one can live in, but it's easily mobile.
A manufactured home is a home on a permanent foundation, masonry underpinning, etc.
I don't care what anybody lives in. It's the people. Some keep very decent homes, and some do not., whether it is mobile or stick built.
This thread is about Dewey Andrew Lane. So back to that pos. Over and over and over is the question, why didn't the victim leave when ole andy was away. Because when he was away, he wasn't raping her.


Posted 8:40 pm, 06/26/2014

April honey you are going to have high blood pressure trying to defend that family of yours and your husbands. Give it up baby girl.


Posted 6:03 pm, 06/26/2014

True that. Agree to disagree .


Posted 5:09 pm, 06/26/2014

Well then I kinda have to conclude that you are irrational. I'm just trying to help. You can't expect to have your tirade heard without hearing someone else out. That's life if you live in a mansion or a trailer park.


Posted 3:32 pm, 06/26/2014

Missed you comment there wizard. Yea 9 felonies is a lot your right. And I hope them nine felonies bite her in her *** when he comes out innocent. I hope he sues her for everyone min, hour, day and month he sat in jail bc of her stupid ****. I hope you all get a huge slap in the face the day he's proved innocent. I can't wait!!! But yea I know, you all know more about everyone then they know themselves so it will still b true to u people I suppose? O well.


Posted 2:49 pm, 06/26/2014

What pisses me off most is that these ppl say daily how low my family is and how bad we are and trailer trash.Yea that's real Christian huh? O gods gna dis me bc of where I live?? Really? You can live in a 5 story house and still b a pos. So yea dont go there w me. You now have me pissed too so yea thanks but no thanks.


Posted 2:45 pm, 06/26/2014

Mommotwo, having an opinion is fine gossip idc. But the things that have been said on this site are far from things that should have been said by a church goer. And I assume the all go, might make an *** out of myself my assuming but yea. A lot of things have been deleted that you haven't seen. So don't go and tell me. I've been called every name in the book along w all my family. So excuse me for being pissed. You can now back off too. You have no clue what's been said to make me this mean.


Posted 2:37 pm, 06/26/2014

Robeson I did for a long time. My personal being on here is not right.


Posted 2:33 pm, 06/26/2014

I would also like to mention that if he has indeed been less then honest with his business dealings, then the public also has a right to be informed of this. Is this the best place? IDK. But I do know that when you do business you must accept that what you do will follow you. Good or bad.

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