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uncgreatestnever....your worst nightmare is BAAAACK

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:58 am, 11/28/2015

Unc- 42-----state---24. Dook 28---wake 13

unc greatest ever

Posted 11:41 pm, 11/22/2015

Come on dook fan where was your pick? Don't be sore about dook losing to unc. Keep picking scores stand behind your team for better or worse. Dook still has bowl game for there fans to get behind. I'm a heels fan when they win or lose go heels

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:34 pm, 11/20/2015

Unc-45-----va tech---17. Dook---27------uva---14

The Swami

Posted 8:20 am, 11/15/2015

Looks like I sawed that limb off behind me

unc greatest ever

Posted 12:38 pm, 11/14/2015

Ok , PITT- 27----dook--17

The Swami

Posted 8:56 am, 11/14/2015

BTW, unc, Duke doesn't play UVA until NEXT week

The Swami

Posted 8:52 am, 11/14/2015

Going out on a big limb, here

Duke 27

Pitt 24

Holes 34

Canes 36

unc greatest ever

Posted 6:41 pm, 11/11/2015

That time again. Heels-45---the canes--21. Dook----27----uva--21

unc greatest ever

Posted 1:41 pm, 11/08/2015

Thanks, thought it would be closer but we got some good plays in early and that set the tone. Your guys got robbed last week , so think that took some wind out of dook sails. Still think dook Will be a tough game in your bowl game. Might be the year they pull off bowl win. Good luck rest of year

The Swami

Posted 8:04 am, 11/08/2015

Wow, not much to say. I feel last week's Miami debacle had an effect on Duke, but, probably didn't make much difference.

Hats off to UNC, they laid a shellacking on my guys, congratulations.


Posted 3:33 pm, 11/07/2015

Wow what a impressive tar heel win. Unc 66--duke--31 my favorite team wins go heels!!!!

The Swami

Posted 2:14 pm, 11/06/2015

Duke 30

Da Holes 27

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:16 am, 11/04/2015

I'll pick now so you can't say I'm trying to cheat lol, truthfully I forgot it was a Thursday night game till I cut tv on and seen it on. Anyway here goes. heels- 34---turds aka dookies-21

The Swami

Posted 3:25 pm, 11/03/2015

google64 (view profile)

Posted 12:05 am, 11/03/2015

Where's beachgoer? Typically they have something idiotic to say. Go UNC!!

Nobody has said a word, google64, idiotic or otherwise....except YOU

And, you had to come up with a new name to say it.


Posted 12:05 am, 11/03/2015

Where's beachgoer? Typically they have something idiotic to say. Go UNC!!

unc greatest ever

Posted 11:36 pm, 10/30/2015

No I forgot it was on Thursday night , so I made my guess as soon as I seen game was on. I missed the 1st and some of 2nd quarter , so I just made pick.

The Swami

Posted 4:14 pm, 10/30/2015

Wow, I can tell you're a Hole fan. You waited till half time to make your pick on the Hole game. Where I come from, that's CHEATING

unc greatest ever

Posted 7:51 pm, 10/29/2015

Heels -42---pitt--24. . Dookie turds--23---the U---17

The Swami

Posted 3:02 pm, 10/29/2015

I hate to say it, unc, but

Holes 30

Pitt 28

Duke 30

Miami 20

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:13 pm, 10/22/2015

Heels 45----uva--20------dookies aka turds 27-----vtech----17

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