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uncgreatestnever....your worst nightmare is BAAAACK

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:33 pm, 09/03/2015

Defense looked better , But mw needs to go at qb never been a big fan of his. 3 int"s , 2 in inzone throwing under first down markers and holding ball to long getting sacked . On last 3rd and goal has a guy to right flat wide open with one on one coverage defensive player 5 yards off him. No mw wants to be a hero and true to run it in though 3 big linemen. Coach screwed up leaving him in.

unc greatest ever

Posted 9:25 pm, 09/03/2015

Funny they blew your dookies out in Durham


Posted 9:21 pm, 09/03/2015

Another over hyped under performing unc team, who would have ever guessed it.

Clean it up

Posted 9:19 pm, 09/03/2015

Down go the tarholes


Posted 3:00 pm, 09/03/2015

Lol per football almanac, 29 to 37 has happened twice in the entirety of professional football.

unc greatest ever

Posted 2:52 pm, 09/03/2015

Ha ha about as funny as that beat down unc football team gave the TURD DOOKIE team

clean it up

Posted 12:36 pm, 09/03/2015

Naw, just kiddin unc...did you wet your pants or have an org*sm?

unc greatest ever

Posted 12:53 am, 09/03/2015

Easy, missed / blocked extra point. Safety =2 point s , going for 2 points instead of extra point , any of theses + fleid goals or so on.


Posted 8:14 pm, 09/02/2015

I would argue that statistical speaking, a 29 is is more improbable than any score 6 to 30.


Posted 8:11 pm, 09/02/2015

How does a team realistically score 29 points


Posted 5:21 pm, 09/02/2015

Take off the babynblue glasses. UNC isn't gonna beat USC

unc greatest ever

Posted 10:30 pm, 08/31/2015

Wow you worry more about what I think then you like your own team to win lol. Ok here goes UNC - 37 --USC 29------dook 23----tulane--10

The Swami

Posted 4:32 pm, 08/31/2015

Time to break your heart again, unc...football season is upon us, and its time to pick scores, so here goes

UNC 44

S Car 17

Tulane 37


Naw, just kiddin unc...did you wet your pants or have an org*sm?

Heres the REAL scoop

S. Car 34

UNC 31

Duke 28

Tulane 20

Take it tp the bank, unc

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